Pop-ups Hardly Penetrate E-Ad Market

According to Nielsen//NetRatings AdRelevance, only 9.2% of US companies advertising online in 2002 use pop-up ads. During the first seven months of 2002, e-advertisers bought 11.3 billion pop-up ad impressions, which still just represents 2% of total online ad impressions. Specifically, AdRelevance notes that 80% of total pop-up advertising between January and July 2002 was purchased by 63 companies, while the remaining 20% was bought by exactly 2,145 companies. Over one-half (58%) of pop-up advertising purchased in the beginning of 2002 was used to drive traffic. Another 26% was used to drive sales, 13% was used to drive general awareness of the advertisers and only 4% was bought for positioning purposes.

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