Popular Ad Formats in Europe


LemonAd reports that in 2002, the most popular online advertising format in Europe was the banner ad (468×60 pixels) with 68% of all ads displayed in this format. However, the banner’s share of total online ads last year declined from 2001 when it claimed 80% of all online ads. LemonAd monitors 3,130 Web sites from 14 European markets every day to determine the numbers in its reports. The company found that skyscraper ad formats became more popular in 2002, claiming 15% of all online ads — up from just 4% in 2001. The button’s popularity remained fairly flat between 2001 and 2002.

Meanwhile in the US, Myers Group determined that IAB banners are quite popular, with over 89% of ad execs planning to use them this year, but text links are the format execs are flocking to, with 92.5% reporting in August 2002 that they will use them over the coming 12 months.

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