Press Releases Add Information and Credibility to Web Sites


This article will deal with the use of press releases for the Online Press Room. The value of press releases has been reiterated over and over again in the newsletter. The many tips and techniques we offer have a proven track record with professional journalists and press release writers such as those on our PRW staff.

After you distribute your press releases to the media, post them up on your Web site for easy, accessible information for journalists who need input to write a story. The information should be just as clear and upfront as it is in any good press release. Leave out the hype and the fluff. Stick to the facts, examples and solid information that someone would want to know about your service or product. If you were writing a story for a newspaper or magazine, what would you want to know to get a good story? What would the readers want to know? What’s important; what’s not?

What is an Online Press Room?

Companies post information on their Web sites that is accessible to qualified press people. This has become especially prevalent with the brick and mortar companies as well as Internet companies. Many sites require registration and passwords, presumably to keep out the public or customers with complaints. This obviously limits accessibility as journalists click onto a Press Room to get fast information and do not like roadblocks. They’ll just move on to another company and another story. So think hard about making your Online Press Room accessible to everyone. Put in a contact number for people other than journalists. But keep your Press Room open to all.

Contact numbers are imperative. Always include contacts directly to your public relations staff so journalists can field their questions to the people trained to answer them. If you want to avoid phones ringing off the hook from callers who are not journalists, use e-mail addresses instead. Make it clear that certain numbers or addresses are for media only. Give alternate contacts for other business. That way, even if people pay no attention and your email boxes become stuffed, you can at least weed out the non-journalists and direct their answers to other staff. (segue)

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